Reply to post: Most of the Polls were Tory owned

From landslide to buried alive: Why 2017 election forecasts weren't wrong


Most of the Polls were Tory owned

The simple truth of the matter is that most of the polls are Tory owned and Tory-run.

YouGov, ComRes, Opinium, Gfk are all owned or ran by Tories.

They were pushing the polls just as the newspapers were pushing the idea that Corbyn was 'unelectable' and that a Tory landslide was 'inevitable'. They only started to really panic a week or so before the election because they knew after the election that the game would be up, but even then they still hoped that by over-estimating the Tory lead they could push the electorate.

Did you know that Nick Moon - the secretary of the British Polling Council is a former Conservative councilor? How in hell does anyone expect the polling watchdog to be impartial?

Or how about Anthony Langham - MD of Opinium who is so 'bi-partisan' that he gave £3,500 to Owen Smith during the Labour leadership challenge?

There's something extremely rotten in the 4th estate when private individuals like myself have to search out the facts of their conspiracy and collusion.

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