Reply to post: Re: Bizzare

Two leading ladies of Europe warn that internet regulation is coming

Stork Silver badge

Re: Bizzare

I personally do not hate democracy in the UK - I just do not see it working better than, say, the German one.

Merkel is not a dictator, but she is only responsible to _her_ electorate. That electorate are not too happy with what they see as endless transfers to countries which do not reform and where people retire on fat pensions at 55, while they had their retirement age increased *). Actually, they were not too convinced about the Euro to start with which is why the rules were set as strict as they were, to get them to accept.

Here in Portugal, the Euro has forced the government to do some of the reforms that were long overdue anyway. And the local politicians did not take the blame.

*) I know facts are much more complicated that that, but how do you think the Sun/Mail/whatever would present the situation?

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