Reply to post: Re: Machiavelli

From landslide to buried alive: Why 2017 election forecasts weren't wrong


Re: Machiavelli

Niccolò Machiavelli said of the secretaries of princes, Il Principe (Florence, 1513), Cap. XXI.

E perché sono di tre generazione cervelli, l'uno intende da sé, l'altro discerne quello che altri intende, el terzo non intende né sé né altri, quel primo è eccellentissimo, el secondo eccellente, el terzo inutile.

There are three different kinds of brains, the one understands things unassisted, the other understands things when shown by others, the third understands neither alone nor with the explanations of others. The first kind is most excellent , the second is also excellent, but the third is useless.

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