Reply to post: And it only took you 25 years to realize this..

Connectivity's value is almost erased by the costs it can impose

John Smith 19 Gold badge

And it only took you 25 years to realize this..


Like most things in life "connectivity" is useful in moderation.

Loosing your way because your phone lost its connection. WTF is that about? Your phone hasn't the memory to cache (roughly) your surrounding area? You'll die if you FB page does not update anyone who's interested on your exact progress?

There's a reason why all browsers came with a cache directory. At any given time how much of the data any given application is running is out of date?

We know have the capability to (literally) put a late 80's or early 90's supercomputer in your pocket and equip it with enough memory to store (if needed) a large chunk of the computer data created on the whole planet before say 1970.

Yet still people have to be tethered to a connection 24/7/365.

And it's getting worse.

"Cloud" (or to give it a more meaningful description "anonymous server farms in unknown jurisdictions") now know your data and as someone pointed out "knowing is owning.":-( .

Don't keep up the payments? You lose access. Who owns your data then?


Not you.

Does that sound like ransomware to you?

Meanwhile if you're reading this in the UK the Commons will have to vote on a Technical Measure in the IPA to require operators to supply on demand access (by the government) to any data. IE outlawying end to end encryption.

This puts the UK on the cutting edge of destroying privacy, with China and North Korea of course.

This architecture offers all the lack of control and privacy of a mainframe without its security or resiliency. Literally the worst of both worlds.

Keep this up and the phrase "I have it right here" will be meaningless. You have no local data storage. You are totally dependent on your data umbilical.

Like a fetus.

And just as helpless.

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