Reply to post: @ ledswinger

Cabinet Office minister Gummer loses seat as Tory gamble backfires

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

@ ledswinger

Whatever you say about Corbin bare in mind that he was put forward and supported by his parties members against his own party leadership. His popular support brought out record numbers of voters and whilst you may not agree with his politics you have to admit that he has stuck by them and they are what people are voting for.

When put against Mrs May, the tory press and a lot of stratigic voting he still managed to get enough popular support that the tories had to marry the DUP to keep in power.

It has been said that the brexit result was a show that many people in this country are sick of lying politicians who put their own desires before the needs of this country.

All the confirmations that our politicians are corrupt and for sale to the highest bidder.

All the laws that impact the majority for the benefit of the few that have taken this country from a world leader to a back water.

How we are now not safe to walk the streets because we are paying for the US and UK meddling in the middle east.

Perhaps it is time that we had some government and a leader who are not corrupt and puts the people of this country before short term profit for minoroties that then walk away when the bill comes due.

What can be agreed is that things have been getting worse for a long time, free education, social welfare, general prosperity our rewards from WW2 have virtually disappeared and now we have people starving and homeless in the streets living upon charity because our leadership would rather give OUR money to the already more than wealthy than help our unlucky neighbours.

There is always a high cost when you allow such disparities in a society and no matter your position in that society the price for not caring about the people you share a country with is always higher than you want to pay. Perhaps having someone who cares for this country and it's people for a change will be a good thing, certainly not being corruptable is something we have not seen for a long time

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