Reply to post: Re: @Kiwi Two things..

Donald Trumped: Comey says Prez is a liar – and admits he's a leaker

Peter2 Silver badge

Re: @Kiwi Two things..

Consensual recordings are never an issue, but the UK has an interesting take on covert recording in that it is not explicitly illegal. However, you're not allowed to use those recordings in any legal process, and I think it's not legal to share them either

Not really. Admissibility depends on a lot of things, and quite honestly evidence is evidence and likely to be admissible by a court if directly relevant.

The situation is more:-

USA: You can prove your innocent, but the material is inadmissible in court so your found guilty.

UK: You can prove your innocent, the material is illegal but admissible in court so your found not guilty, but then get sued separately by the loser for a breach of the data protection act etc.

That said, if you had a recording but waited for the date of the court trial to produce it then you'd probably find it was found inadmissible, but that's only a problem when it's sprung on the opposition at the last moment as it can prejudice their right to a fair trial as they didn't know about that evidence so they could amend their story appropriately. (Lying under oath is obviously fair and accepted if they didn't know you could prove that they were lying beforehand, and that's fair)

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