Reply to post: Re: Must be fake news

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Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Must be fake news

> If you are not brainwashed by the official interpretations that first line of the Bible actually reads "In the beginning the gods [Elohim, plural] made the Heavens and the Earth". It then goes on to recount myths relating to at least two other gods (YHVH and Adonai).

Now, I haven't used my Hebrew since early adulthood and is more than a tad rusty at this point, so I could be very wrong about this, but to me elohim, although grammatically plural, refers to a single entity. It is a sort of pluralis majestatis, if you will.

Adonai simply means "my lord" (cf. the modern Hebrew extremely polite form of address "adoni") and like elohim, is used in place of an actual name of God such as the tetragrammaton for literary or other reasons.

Precisely the innovation in philosophical thinking brought about, or at least adopted, by the Israelites, was the idea of a single abstract entity as opposed to the pantheons found earlier, as well as in other cultures.

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