Reply to post: Re: Actually seems reasonable to me

When can real-world laws invade augmented reality fantasies? A trial in Milwaukee will decide

My other car is an IAV Stryker

Re: Actually seems reasonable to me

Likewise, the makers of any AR app that determines pick-up locations for each user individually should not have a problem. It is up to each user to decide whether to use the app and make the pick-up. Pokémon Go's system of offering the SAME item to ALL users at the SAME time is similar to an organized event.

So, the logical legislation is this: Geospatial pickups limited to X users within Y hours for a given location with radius of Z distance (in standard Reg units, of course). As X users hit one spot, the next X users will have to go Z distance away for the next drop until Y time passes. Let X, Y, and Z be variable based on geography, population density, et cetera. This sets upper limits acceptable at the crossroads between rural farms and the urban parks downtown and everywhere in between.

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