Reply to post: Re: "Does the idiot woman realize how bloody stupid she sounds?"

UK PM May's response to London terror attack: Time to 'regulate' internet companies


Re: "Does the idiot woman realize how bloody stupid she sounds?"

> Why "since 7/7/05"?

> Why not since 6/7/05?

> Well because the number then jumps from 36 to 82, which doesn't look quite so rosy

@Gif1, 82 vs 36, doesn't look a great deal less rosy. Still pales in significance to the deaths caused by road traffic accidents, smoking, air pollution, domestic violence (probably).

> That's called cherry picking the data to support your argument.

Not as much as picking a 6/7/05 as the start date. Would have been simpler if he just said in the past ten years.

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