Reply to post: Re: Surprised?

Elon to dump Trump over climate bump

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Re: Surprised?

You know it's pretty DAMN COLD out there right now

Now now BB. You know that even if every country on earth was several degrees colder for several years ina row it'd still be "conclusive proof of global warming" or "that's just weather, not climate" or "well, when we adjust the figures properly you'll find that when those thermometers said last decade was warmer than this one it was because no one knew how to read thermometers back then" or some other bullshit like that.

Oh hang on, it's "climate change" now, not "global warming" because they realised they could only lie to people for so long (except the terminally stupid who actually do believe this shit!) before it would be noticed that we're not drowning under hundreds of metres of sea-level rises. Oh hang on that's explained by "isostatic rebound which just happens to coincidentally magically exactly match sea level rises".

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