Reply to post: Re: D'oh!

Elon to dump Trump over climate bump


Re: D'oh!

The status quo is pointless; the existing fuel sources will "dry up" over the next few decades. That makes me think we should invest now so we have a way to avoid a crash at that point, even if we don't care about the environment. Of course, we should care about the environment too.

Since my birth in the 70's I've been hearing just about yearly about how our oil reserves are "about to dry up" and run out.

I do believe it is a finite resource, and logically it must run out at some stage, but the stuff about "it is about to run out" is a problem in how it gets stated so often yet we're always a "few decades" away. At least, I hope we are still far enough away from that to see better stuff come along.

However, I do agree that we should be putting much effort into building systems and vehicles that will use much much less "fossil" resources and much more renewables. True renewable tech that doesn't waste resources and further damage the planet in the process.

I'm what some would call a "climate change denier" though I don't deny that climates change. I do disagree with the few "settled scientists" on it, sticking by the silent majority who know there's a lot more to the story. The big key thing though is that I am anti-waste and anti-pollution.

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