Reply to post: Re: Wasn't Fukushima a "fail-safe" design?

Britain's on the brink of a small-scale nuclear reactor revolution

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Wasn't Fukushima a "fail-safe" design?

"The PROBLEM was [...]" @oldcoder

That's part of the picture.

The failure you describe, and those other failures described here by other people, are individual problems, each of which could have been managed differently and likely resulted in a different outcome. But for whatever reason, the "right" approaches were ignored in too many places.

We are where we are. We didn't get there because one single technical thing went a bit wrong, we got there because *lots* of technical things went very wrong, many of them in ways which had been predicted before the big day. But not enough was done to fix them even after issues and impacts were identified.

Swiss cheese. Head in the sand.

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