Reply to post: Clueless govt...

UK ministers to push anti-encryption laws after election

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Clueless govt...

Wow first post!

The clue stick simply isn't working with the government, I'm struggling to understand how they keep pushing this agenda when anyone with a modicum of intelligence understands it will never work.

You can push as much legislation as you like, terrorists etc will ignore the legislation, that really unfair, that terrorists won't play by the rules, its just not British.

The US companies will simply ignore the legislation as they will consider themselves outside of UK legislation.

UK companies will have to make two versions of their products and might as well throw away all security for the UK version as basically the UK govt says it wants to rape and pillage your data, however nobody will ever trust a UK technical product as the correct assumption is that its now 100% insecure.

There will be leaks galore as people use it to check on straying partners, the keys will get lost as somebody loses the USB stick with them on or the latest malware rips them off.

Does anybody in the govt have the slightest understanding of what they are asking or are they so far up the Daily Mail's backside that they can no longer see or hear?

Not a single technical expert has said this is a sensible, every one has said back doors to encryption is flawed yet the loony right still push this agenda.

Time to leave this little country with its little politicians and find somewhere with a bit more freedom, I hear North Korea is more enlightened these days.

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