Reply to post: Re: Hardly a big deal

How good are selfies these days? Good enough to fool Samsung Galaxy S8 biometrics

Just Enough

Re: Hardly a big deal

It is possible to have your phone stolen by someone you know.

It is possible to have your phone stolen by someone who uses some ruse to obtain a photo first.

It is possible that the information on your phone has a distinct, unique value that will tempt criminals to go to the lengths necessary.

Yes, for most people the chances of these things happening are smaller than your everyday mugger. But the point of testing things in this manner is they demonstrate how it can be done. It therefore follows that, guaranteed, some criminals will perfect a way of doing it in a practical manner in real life. So the fact remains that this method of securing devices is fundamentally flawed. As long as you make your 'key' something that is in public view, and can be copied with increasing ease, accuracy and fidelity, then your 'key' is not secure.

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