Reply to post: Similar technical data

Netgear 'fixes' router by adding phone-home features that record your IP and MAC address

Anonymous Coward

Similar technical data

Technical data about the functioning and use of our routers and their WiFi network can help us to more quickly isolate and debug general technical issues, improve router features and functionality, and improve the performance and usability of our routers. Such data may include information regarding the router’s running status, number of devices connected to the router, types of connections, LAN/WAN status, WiFi bands and channels, IP address, MAC address, serial number, and similar technical data about the use and functioning of the router, as well as its WiFi network.

What is "similar technical data"? I might have a mental image of what "similar technical data" might be, but given that hotchpotch of things listed, some of which are hardly "technical", there is no reason why it should coincide with Netgear's. Why can't they be a lot more specific?

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