Reply to post: Re: Entertainment

Julian Assange wins at hide-and-seek game against Sweden

Phil Koenig

Re: Entertainment

Re: Assange's "selectivity", of course it would never have occurred to any of his numerous bitter critics who made their mind up about him the moment they heard all that state propaganda about him and never bothered to look at the details.. that he might actually be protecting Edward Snowden by not going full-tilt against Russia at the moment?

Or that Russia is one of the very very few countries in the world (2 or 3 at the most) which has the power and capabilities to a) keep Snowden away from US clutches, and B) provide some kind of platform to someone like Assange (eg via RT) who is persona-non-grata anywhere the US has significant influence? Does anyone in their right mind think that the BBC is going to provide Assange with a neutral platform from which to criticize western countries?

Most of the shrill critics from what I can tell basically decided whether they like him or not based on whether he leaked anything on their buddies recently and what their favorite politician tells them to think. The US Republicans hated him and Wikileaks with a passion for years and were incessantly braying for his head until Wikileaks released some damaging material on their political foes that ultimately helped them win the election, whereupon they all kissed and made up and got on the Wikileaks bandwagon. Pathetic.

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