Reply to post: Re: Quick solution

Faking incontinence and other ways to scare off tech support scammers

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Quick solution

"I'm doing this way:"

"wait to make sure I detect a Sound detection algorithm"

Have the word "Hello" followed by a pause on the answering machine. I do that, and turn off the ringer. The message is short and to the point, so legit callers don't have to wait long. If I hear a human [that I want to], I pick up the phone. Otherwise, I don't need the disturbance in my day.

Phones are not fires. Phones are not floods. Phones are not incoming tornados nor meteors hurtling down on top of my head. Phones are not gushing blood spewing out of a serious life-threatening wound.

A ringing phone is NOT an emergency. I leave my phone ringer OFF.

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