Reply to post: Re: The Greatest Fraud of All

Machine vs. machine battle has begun to de-fraud the internet of lies

Charles 9

Re: The Greatest Fraud of All

Hyper encryption? You mean "perpetual encryption"? Sounds about as plausible as a perpetual motion machine. After all, how do you encrypt something such that it continually updates itself even if it's frozen in time? Sorry, but my BS sense is off the charts with your talk, especially since no web searching whatsoever (not even privacy-hardered searches or using darknets) has uncovered any kind of independent verification of your techniques.

Face facts. EVERYTHING made by man can be UNmade. Not even the one-time pad is bulletproof (that's why I mentioned the wrench, as evoked by the famous xkcd comic #538). How do you beat "Rubber-Hose Cryptanalysis" other than being a masochist or a wimp?

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