Reply to post: Re: (unsurprising)

We're calling it now: FCC votes 2-1 to rip up net neutrality on Thurs

Yes Me Silver badge
IT Angle

Re: (unsurprising)

> "Internet is owned by the U.S.? What the hell was the point of Brexit, then?"

> Good point. However, the people who voted for Brexit weren't the ones who use the internet much.

Well, no, bad point. Firstly the Brexit vote didn't actually have much of an IT angle; it was just a bunch of people believing lies and fantasies. I dare say some of them also believed the fantasy that the Internet was invented by an Englishman, too. But secondly, that's a cheap shot, lots of OAPs use the Internet.

But on the point, let's focus on the good news: at least the FCC have now made it clear that fair treatment of Internet users in the US is a fair trade issue, which it always has been. Whether the FTC can fix it under a Republican congress is another question, but the real debate can actually start now.

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