Reply to post: Re: Greedy Apple!

It's 2017 – and your Mac, iPad, iPhone can all be pwned by an e-book

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Greedy Apple!

I don't blame the hardware for that, because that's not just Apple.

It may not be only Apple, but since Apple & Samsung want to charge premium prices, shouldn't they both get off their lazy, lazy backsides, and do what Motorola offered with the X-Force a year and a half ago?

Wireless charging? Pffttt.

NFC payments? Yaawwwwwwnn.

16:9 screens? Ptooh.

Wrap round dispays? Nahhh.

Fingerprint and eyeball readers? Nope.

Now offer me a really decent phone that's not fragile as a snowflake, now that's worth having - second only to order-of-magnitude improvement in battery life.

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