Reply to post: Re: Blame those who did not replace ancient kit

While Microsoft griped about NSA exploit stockpiles, it stockpiled patches: Friday's WinXP fix was built in February

FIA Silver badge

Re: Blame those who did not replace ancient kit

The absence of a patch in Linux is much less important because it isn't coded by cretins.

Erm... no.

In any pool of people, in this case programmers, half will be below average, and they tend to write shit code. Even the good ones sometimes have to 'get things done'.

Shit coding is fairly OS agnostic, as is good coding.

Windows 'releases' are just a new paint job and enough bodging to make hardware and software not work, coupled with lock ins

Oh give it up, Windows is okay, Linux is okay, they're just software. There's some good bits in Windows and some dreck in Linux, just as the reverse is true. The days of Windows being a bug ridden graphical shell atop a bug ridden clone of a crusty old text based OS have long gone.

As for hardware, as someone who's spent the last week recompiling Linux and various drivers to find the right combination that made 3 pieces of hardware work together I think Linux could learn a lot from a decent stable binary interface for the driver layer.

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