Reply to post: Re: It's what the people want

Lib Dems pledge to end 'Orwellian' snooping powers in manifesto

veti Silver badge

Re: It's what the people want


They dont want any of that. Unfortunately the alternatives are worse.

True. And if you put these questions to referendums, they'd (probably) be rejected.

Unfortunately, or perhaps not, that's not how democracy works. We don't all get to vote on every separate issue, we vote for a professional cadre of people who will deliberate and wheel and deal and make all the individual decisions for us. That means we have to accept a package deal (and why referendums are stupid, because they undercut the whole system by pretending that one issue can be decided in isolation, without ramifications for everything else).

If you don't like the package, there are things you can do about it. Go meet your MP. Organise protests. Join a political party. Or form a new one and stand for election yourself, it's not particularly expensive (in the UK, at least - very different in the US). But all of them require some investment of time. If you can't afford or can't be bothered to do that, then you're stuck with the a la carte.

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