Reply to post: Amber Rudd's had no clue technically in describing what she was dealing with.

Microsoft to spooks: WannaCrypt was inevitable, quit hoarding

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Amber Rudd's had no clue technically in describing what she was dealing with.

Even watching a marginally toned down Amber Rudd yesterday (compared to the encryption hyperbole nonsense interview on Andrew Marr (Marr was as bad), regards WhatsApp/Westminster Bridge attack).

Amber Rudd's whole tone yesterday came across as fundamentally not having a clue (technically) to what the actual threat was, what she was dealing with. The problem is inherently unpatched Windows machines, it's underfunding by the Conservative Government, regards the NHS. It's Senior mismanagement including the likes of Hunt.

She never once mentioned underfunding as a potential issue, which just shows deceit/manipulation of the fundamental issues here.

I felt this was envitable (and said as much) since the Shadowplay NSA leaks and Twit's Security Now had covered the SMB issue extensively since March.

If you work at a Senior level in the NHS IT/Security, you seriously dropped the ball, because this car crash was playing out right in front of your eyes, but the same applies to anyone working at Microsoft too.

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