Reply to post: Re: Yes, a constant stream of vulns --

It's 2017 and Windows PCs are being owned by EPS files, webpages

Hans 1

Re: Yes, a constant stream of vulns --

"1) PC and Laptop manufactures ship their gear with something Microsoft installed"

<br />

Because people want Windows. If there was a demand for Linux, you will see the machines. That demand doesn't simply exist. It's no longer 1990, and MS has no longer that hold on OEMs. With PC sales so low, do you believe vendors wouldn't offer a different OS to increase sales? Most servers are sold without Windows, nowadays.

As an OEM, do that, offer Linux 1:1 (any computer with Windows and Linux), and your Windows tax just increased 100 fold ...

Go look at Dell, choose Linux as OS, count the number of models that ship with Linux, switch to Windows 10, count the number of models ... notice, the Linux models are crap, you cannot get best display, best graphics with Linux ... what you get are weirdo systems with odd resolutions ... that are expensive for what they are, imho.

I call that pisstake on Dell's part, I am SURE it is NOT Dell's fault ...

Try find one on, go, try ... tell me, I had a quick look, could not find one ...

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