Reply to post: Re: Comey was caught lying under oath. So Trump fired him. -- opportunely.

FBI boss James Comey was probing Trump's team for Russia links. You're fired, says Donald

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Comey was caught lying under oath. So Trump fired him. -- opportunely.

"John, I'm starting to wonder if your real name isn't Ivan. You sure seem to be writing from inside Putin's pocket here."

Well, technically ...

Again speaking technically, Russian kept the distinction between the sacred and profane versions of many christian names. For example, while "Иван" (Ivan) is indeed derived from "Иоанн" (Ioann), in contemporary Russian these are two distinct names. English has mostly abandoned the distinction in the form of the name, leaving it to be inferred from the context it is used in.

Therefore, if your view of our Big John is mostly profane, then he is indeed an Ivan. If on the other hand you see him as saintly, then the appropriate equivalent is Ioann.

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