Reply to post: Re: Remember

Facebook is abusive. It's time to divorce it

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Remember

You forget that data gathered for advertising purposes is likely to be easily available to governments and/or other regimes who you might not trust with it.

In many cases, that's quite simply by the expedient of putting commercial and/or legal pressure over the business in question- and an advertising company that only cares about flogging me shite is one of the least likely to provide any resistance to that. Particularly not one run by an amoral sociopath like Zuckerberg.

Then there's also the possibility that your data is hacked, stolen and sold. Again, an advertising company's desire to protect themselves against this will only extend as far as its commercial value, and that assumes they're run by people who know- or care- what they're doing.

The best way to mitigate against this sort of thing is not to gather such data in the first place unless it's needed; such a policy is the antithesis of everything Facebook- and many other companies- are about, however.

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