Reply to post: Here we go again, Fan-boism at it's worst...

Today's bonkers bug report: Microsoft Edge can't print numbers

John Young 1

Here we go again, Fan-boism at it's worst...

Soooo, this is a bug that you have to go hunting for on different systems?

"Edge displays PDF correctly but printed content differs notably," the bug notice reads. "Printed content depends on selected printer, on printer settings, and on used computer (please try a different setup if first result looks correct)."

So, you could try 1000 systems and not have this issue?

MS, (as other devs do), try to cater to as many different combinations of systems/software/printers etc., and miss a couple... So that explains all the vitriol here for MS?

I use whatever works, whatever OS etc., that gets the job done...

So, there is a bug that happens on *some*, *probably very few* computers... Welcome to the world of PCs.

I think a lot of people need to pull their heads outta their arses and understand that *nothing* works perfectly, no matter how loved up with your own OS of choice you are.

At my place of work, people use whichever OS/Browser works best for the current task at hand... Guess what, they have issues with Chrome/FF/IE/Edge, but just shrug their shoulders and use another that does work because, guess what again, they have work to do.

Someone earlier stated that for PDFs you should always use an external piece of software, I agree totally. I have mostly made people understand at my workplace that if they need to print a PDF then they should save it and open it in one of the reader programs.

Now... OS's, they are all decent enough for work and personal home usage. I have multiple linux servers, Windows PCs, and MacOS here. I have Android on a Samsung S5 and an iPhone 7+. I use whatever I need at whatever time it is needed. I do not criticize OS's because I know that none of them are perfect. Why can't more people understand that they are all imperfect?

I rarely post on El'Reg, but the amount of negativity from fanbois towareds whichever thing is currently hated to be very disappointing.. C'mon some people, get a life, their are more important things to shout about!!!!!

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