Reply to post: Re: Copyright

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Re: Copyright

The view of the Eiffel Tower isn't Copyrighted, the lighting arrangement on the Eiffel Tower is copyrighted (yeah, weird I know) - Joe Public can still photograph Eiffel Tower at night and post on FB etc, but if you sell that image for profit because it's a really good image of the Copyrighted image of the illuminated Eiffel Tower then you'll be heaaring from the lighting companies lawyers...

I have friends who had traditionally published novels - the publisher printed a few hundred copies and did nothing more with them. Now 20yrs later, the author wants those novels back so they can turn them into eBooks, since the publishers have never re-released the titles and all have informed the authors that they have no intentions of even producing eBook versions... *BUT* they refuse to give the rights back to the authors simply pointing out the contract signed at the very beginning of their writing careers says they NEVER have to give these titles back...

I stopped submitting my images to the BBC after I noted they stripped my EXIF data (including my (C)) from the submission (FB keep this info). I think I and others, including El Reg pointed this out to the BBC and they said it was a technical issue that they had since rectified - however, a friend recently had an image published on the BBC weather site and sure enough the EXIF data (including the (C)) was stripped - so this is clearly business as usual for the BBC.

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