Reply to post: Thanks a lot Google...

Don't click that Google Docs link! Gmail hijack mail spreads like wildfire


Thanks a lot Google...

...for "protecting" me by not allowing my Android Gmail app to log in (sync?) at all. I mean it's not like anybody will miss that payment I don't make because I have no idea I received an invoice unless I actually log in via web and check. Oh, and the cherry on the top of the batshit insane fruitcake? The app DOES actually log in and sync if I delete all cache, data, everything, restart the phone etc. - ONCE (just enough to download any new mail), then immediately fails to sync (log in?) any further, with various error messages of pitiful impotence. Considering this has been intermittently going on for days now (likely started since the attack), how about you finally get your shit together and let me read my mail already, Google?!?

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