Reply to post: File Explorer is terrible.

Windows 10 S: Good, bad, and how this could get ugly for PC makers

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

File Explorer is terrible.

I recently copied several GB's of files to a USB Stick in Windows 10, that I'd been previously using on an Apple macbook.

Apple special create index folders starting with a '.'

When you drag files over to the USB Stick say, marked as drive G:, the first thing it does is expand the drive, so just as you drop it, the drive expands, then you end up dropping it into the wrong folder.

The other thing it does is move drive column items up and down around as you hoover over it with the files in hand over the drive list column.

I dropped (moved) the files into drive G: (USB Drive), rather than appearing in the root folder, they all ended up in this .dot folder. When I came back to the USB I though I had a virus as I couldn't find the files at all, but eventually searching, found them in this macOS created folder.

Whoever wrote the code for File Explorer has never worked with files in their life.

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