Reply to post: Re: Hmm ChromeOS

Windows 10 S forces Bing, Edge on your kids. If you don't like it, get Win10 Pro – Microsoft

Mage Silver badge

Re: Hmm ChromeOS

No one is "locked" into chrome. There are however programs important to institutions and business that have been used 20 years+ and are sadly still only on Windows. Not as many though.

There are plenty of Windows users that have no choice. Fortunately I'm no longer in that demographic. Stopped using Windows in December 2016. Windows 7 spending too long on updates and Windows 10 is like a bad version of Lisa or early monochrome all in one 68000 Mac, Gem and Windows 2.0 or Windows 286. WFWG 3.11 with win32s was better than Win10 garbage.

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