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China launches aircraft carrier the length of 13.6 brontosauruses

Tom Paine

AIUI aircraft carriers are fine for asymmetrical force protection, but floating deathtraps against any sort of adversary with ballistic missiles. Can't find the link but a few months back I saw a really good summary of the problem by someone who actually knew what he was talking about (I just nod sagely when I read stuff on the internet, it's really not my area.) I do know that the Falklands campaign was a couple of lucky missile hits away from being an utter catastrophe though; if Hermes or Invincible had been hit... thousands of dead, goodnight Vienna, and hello a whole new parallel universe with a completely different history of the 80s (in the UK anyway.) is the nearest thing I can find with a couple of mins searching.

EDIT: is a rather dramatic animation of how you wipe out a CBG with one tactical nuclear launch. AIU ships have very little realistic defence against ballistic missiles, whther conventional or nuclear tipped. Looks pretty quick, anyway, I'd rather be vapourised than trapped in a dark upturned metal box listening to the downflooding.

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