Reply to post: Re: DRM vs Property Rights

Don't listen to the doomsayers – DRM is headed for the historical dustbin, says Doctorow


Re: DRM vs Property Rights

Just like windows and MSOrifice then?

It seems that (in the case of software DRM -- licensing & subscription models) that the end user, you & me, are in the 'go get fecked' category. Where we're really forced to pay is at the garage, the parts supplier, and at the local city or county offices (council, in your case) who simply pass along whatever extortionate costs imposed by extortionate demands & restrictions ... to US. We pay. I most especially resent the monopoly costs imposed on our governing bodies, whose reps don't give a rat's ass about the costs as long as they themselves don't pay them. We taxpayer chumps pay them, and we never have a voice in the matter.

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