Reply to post: Re: Another day

Don't install our buggy Windows 10 Creators Update, begs Microsoft


Re: Another day

Absolutely. Before Windows 10, that was really the only choice. Nice to be able to give someone an old computer that they can run their beloved MS Office on now, however.

You mean that horrid behind-the-times thing with the eye-killing UI that supposedly Absolutely. Before Windows 10, that was really the only choice. Nice to be able to give someone an old computer that they can run their beloved MS Office on now, a browser these days?

Last time I tried to install office on Linux was IIRC the 2010 version (before the subscription models), it installed at least as quick and easy as with Windows (maybe faster and easier but that could be my bias playing up). Certainly pissed off the "you can't install this stuff on Linux, it's impossible" guy I did it just to show him how quick and easy it was to do so. I haven't tried the lastest MS trashoffering but then why would one use that? There's much better much more suited to my needs.

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