Reply to post: Anything with r-types running/advising it is a potential hazard.

Jimbo announces Team Wikipedia: 'Global News Police'

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Anything with r-types running/advising it is a potential hazard.

I may look at Wikipedia sometimes, but I usually look for other sources too because of the BS which has-been/is allowed in there via incompetence or dishonesty.

Choosing Lily Cole, given her past idiotic female/r-type behaviour, does not inspire trust!

The panicked (because danger alarmed K-types are making their presence felt) and quite blatantly hypocritical r-type, 'fake news' anti-K-type censorship by various media (and other) organisations will only push them towards further irrelevance.

r-types can only be promiscuous gluttons on K-type provided excess resources (e.g. post WW2 to the 1960's) then use dishonesty, fraud and pillage to obscure resource constraints for limited periods, until significant pro-K-type stresses kick back in e.g. this is what really caused the fall of the Roman empire and Nazi Germany, and could/is now cause disaster in (previously majority K-type) developed countries!

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