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Google's 'adblocker' is all about taking back control


"TheVogon, these are not your friends:"

AdBlock Plus - from Eyeo, the guys who run a protection racket on the ad mafia themselves"

Good. Glad to see the advertisers getting a kicking. Just tick the extra box to block the "approved" adverts too if you want to bypass that.

"Ghostery - Ghostery Inc. sells data to advertisers"

Disable the data sharing feature and they don't get the data. However the data they sell is to help advertisers not target those that block adverts. It's not allowing the to track you.

"Edge - from Slurp. Needs no further introduction."

I think you are confused. Chrome is the browser from Slurp...

However that being said, U-Block Origin is now available on Edge - and seem to replace both of the above...

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