Reply to post: A classic civil service paper

We're spying on you for your own protection, says NSA, FBI

John Smith 19 Gold badge

A classic civil service paper

8 pages of boring honesty they stuff the self serving illegal BS in the back.

And oh yes "We're so busy hoovering up every bodies information we can't check who are US citizens. And since we now have them anyway we can run a query on that data, but it's not like it's a real search, that needs a Warrant, oh no."

Here's a notion.

Run a query to find all US citizens in the database.

Delete their records from the data

Do a full backup of the DB excluding all deleted records.

Delete all previous backups.

Restore from the last backup.IE this one.

So all US citizen records have been deleted from the DB and it should run much faster as well.

I think we could tell wheather or not they would be prepared to do that (and be watched while they did it by competent observers) who they really want to spy on.

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