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Data trashed? When RPO 0 isn't enough


"This of course does not protect against physical damage to the storage device, data center, site etc...

For that, replication is the only alternative"

Enterprise data center requirements around RPO-0 implicitly require replication and data center FT. Reduxio appears to be a nice point-product/solution, but certainly not enterprise-class storage that can meet the requirements of Tier 0 and 1 applications/data. Reduxio still relies on backup software or other form of host-based protection to deliver recovery and RPO expectations.

I looked at the product briefs and it sounds as though Reduxio is a server chassis with ?2 nodes? and didn't see mention of active/active controllers. I'm led to believe the cache then is not mirrored between the 2 controllers which could also be an intolerable point of failure should there be a power outage - unless you are employing some type of super capacitor to drain the cache before emergency shutdown. Regardless, whatever in-memory logic is applied must be flushed to stable storage first before acknowledging the host to facilitate any controller failover or NDU. Mixed workloads and OLTP will crush this type of platform in an enterprise environment especially since there is non-stop tracking logic and metatdata updates for time traversal - sounds as though flash will eventually suffer the speed of the spinning disks at some point (even with intelligent destaging logic) and introduce tremendous latency. I also noticed there was no FC host interfaces which is still prevalent in most enterprise shops.

Seems like a neat product with some application, but I don't think talking about RPO-0 in this context makes sense for Reduxio.

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