Reply to post: entitlements/"term limits"

'Nobody's got to use the internet,' argues idiot congressman in row over ISP privacy rules

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

entitlements/"term limits"

Most collecting Social Security and Medicare now paid into it all their working lives, in addition to covering their parents, some that paid little or nothing into the systems that weren't expected having to shell out for such long lifespans. Or, the extreme high costs of preserving reasonably good health for conditions and diseases that were hopeless and terminal when the systems were designed. That said, this diversion has nothing to do with term limits,gerrymandering or internet privacy. Oh how far the acceptability of diversionary techniques in political discussion have come. Perhaps,just perhaps,that can be blamed on the machine gun pace of alternative thoughts are presented through the internet. It certainly explains a lot about current US, Brexit(?), Russian, much of Middle East, et al politics. Not that progress will or can be changed. Unless of course the upcoming near infinite junk mail, spam, mall ware, advertising, porn, political trash, fake news, blather... turns the world off to it. Revealing my age, I remember when I could actually do meaningful, documented research as a private person.

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