Reply to post: Re: Steve Davies 3

Eric S. Raymond says you probably fit one of eight tech archetypes

Hans Neeson-Bumpsadese Silver badge

Re: Steve Davies 3

I find that very few Architects (in the IT World) these days dare to get their hands dirty and try stuff out.

In my experience, the best architects are the ones who don't dwell in the detail. A side-effect of that is to become further removed from the tools - eventually you end up designing an architecture for a system that will be developed in a language that you have no hands-on experience of. It's not so much an unwillingness to get hands dirty, but a simple lack of ability in a certain tech.

I've successfully designed a number of systems implemented in Java/JBoss, but have never written a line of Java in my life. Fortunately, I understand the capabilities of the target tech, so can apply/adapt as I'm designing an architecture.

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