Reply to post: The web is still the worst place for this

Why do GUIs jump around like a demented terrier while starting up? Am I on my own?


The web is still the worst place for this

I get most irritated by it in the various Facebook interfaces I use (both desktop AND Android app, displaying an eerie synchronicity in their ability to annoy), where so much of the input system attempts to "automagically" provide assistance in ways that actually end up sabotaging you.

Search-result popups are the worst, since they all insist on being typeahead autocompleted, and they populate the list of matches in multiple passes. So you'll go to match an @-tag, or type the name of some entertainment property you're "Watching / Reading / Listening to / etc.", and when it (usually) appears in the first pass of matches, you'll reach to select that item... only to have it slide out from under your pointer or finger as a second pass brings additional matches that shift around the contents of the list.

It's absolutely maddening. Especially since it's the sort of thing you can accidentally do two or three times in quick succession, while you get progressively more frustrated with yourself for not being as ponderously slow and schizoid as their UI.

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