Reply to post: Re: Enforcement?

Germany gives social networks 24 hours to delete criminal content

Daniel von Asmuth

Re: Enforcement?

"There are very clear definitions of what is legal and what is not legal in Germany."

Yes, there are. The proposed law makes it illegal (for a network operator) to publish illegal content. 'Strafbar' means 'punishable', which implies that the content and the creator may not have been convicted themselves. Fines of up to 50 Million Euroquid are way out of proportion.

"Books like My Struggle (Mein Kampf) are illegal in Germany.".

No. The copyright to Mein Kampf was owned by the state of Bavaria, which did not publish the book, but it expired in 2015, putting the book into the public domain. A new scholarly edition has since been published. The same applies to the Dutch translation.

Better hurry that Brexit before Reg staff end up in Siberian camps.

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