Reply to post: Re: Make use of...

Londoners will be trialling driverless cars in pedestrianised area


Re: Make use of...

I get it. A lot of people don't like cyclists. We can hold you up on twisty roads, especially if there is an incline. There are cyclists who don't pay attention and can cause you stress, granted. A driver who doesn't pay attention, however, is more likely to cause serious injury.

However, the attitude I encounter on the road is, quite frankly, crazy, but from a very, very few drivers. Deliberately buzzed, get beeped at. An idiot cyclist, for the most part, will cause a scratch on your car. An idiot car driver can easily cause serious injury and death.

We all are allowed by law to use the roads. They are all of ours, paid for out of general taxation. This attitude that the road is for motored vehicles only is false. The only place where that is true are motorways or other roads that are specifically designated so.

If you get held up a few minutes, so what? This general us vs them has no place on the road regardless of what you are in or on. If you think like that then you need to examine yourself. We are all trying to get somewhere. It is up to all of us to ensure we help each other to get there safely. If you don't like that, then hand your license in.

Your attitude is dangerous.

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