Reply to post: Re: Why would you need to control your garage door

Startup remotely 'bricks' grumpy bloke's IoT car garage door – then hits reverse gear

Androgynous Cupboard Silver badge

Re: Why would you need to control your garage door

Why give your brother-in-law a spare key when you can just generate him one?

Obviously it needs to be signed by a trusted CA, or you can run your own with openssl, provided you can store the CA key offline securely (make sure you back up the storage). And obviously you need to be sure that you're using a modern hash algorithm, SHA2 probably. And, of course, you've got to ensure he's using a strong password on his keychain. And watch for side-channel attacks when you generate the key. But, on the whole I think you'll find an RSA key much more convenient.

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