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Startup remotely 'bricks' grumpy bloke's IoT car garage door – then hits reverse gear

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

To be honest, nowadays, can't you just buy a garage door opener kit and stick any kind of remote Wifi/GSM-activated thing on it? Why do you need the intermediate server, which is just another thing to go wrong?

The key problem is that you hand off control to a third party (who, in this case, could also have a rogue insider opening doors when they shouldn't). Unfortunately, I would guess that a rather large part of the people who buy such gadgets don't realise this. For people like me, the mention of a "free account" is enough warning to avoid the product altogether.

I also wonder what your insurance will do when you have a burglary stolen and they discover you have this installed. That could make it all a lot more costly than just the initial purchase..

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