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Boeing details 'Deep Space Gateway' for Mars mission staging

Lee D Silver badge

It's been 45 years since we bothered to put humans outside the planet's immediate influence. At any point in the intervening time we could have done this. At any point WHILE we were putting people there we could have done this. We didn't. In fact, we didn't do an awful lot, really.

I see no reason to think than in a few years we can turn that around without a serious ramping up of competition/co-operation worldwide, determined to do something practical and useful and with some kind of return. Even SpaceX isn't in the same kinds of order of magnitude (and from what I just Googled it's barely profitable at all, and that was before the latest setbacks and with billions in investment?).

We're not doing it for science. We're not doing it to save humanity. We're not doing it because people want to pay the prices to live up there. We're not doing it to get people to Mars. We're not doing it to get one over the Russians or say we were the first. All of these are reasons (not necessarily good ones) to do such things, but that's not what it appears we are doing it for. As such, it's hard to see WHY we're doing it, and therefore why it would happen.

We've been able to do this since the 1960's. That we haven't says a lot. And the distances and scales involved are literally hilarious. The Moon is 0.1% of the distance away that Mars is, for example. And we're talking about getting ONE thing to just past the Moon as some major project for the next generation...

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