Reply to post: Re: It might be good, but...

Is this a solution to Trump signing away your digital privacy? We give Invizbox Go a go


Re: It might be good, but...

The more green bars the better. Here is the article I got it from:

It would be nice if the site explained their "concerns", especially in a alt-text or simillar (I'll try to remember to send that off). Given that, IP Vanish doesn't get the most glowing "review" there (again knowing what the "something of major concern" about the "business website" is would be nice).

"In case any readers are unclear on the technology, in a nutshell VPNs rely on specialized software that you download and install on your computer. "

Is that a Windows thing? Last time I set up a VPN I did have to install software on Windows, but that was to act as the server side (was a work VPN so we could get around massively expensive site licenses and database sharing issues with the accounting software by having the remote site connect via VPN to the main office machine). I don't recall adding anything special to the remote machine, aside from some tools to make the experience more "seamless".

On my own Ubuntu machine I left-clicked on my network status icon, went down to VPN connections, configure VPN, add new and put in the relevant details. Nothing I recall about "specialized software that you download and install on your computer" at all.

I understand using simpler talk to help non-techs understand stuff, but unless Windows isn't capable of being set up to use a VPN without extra software, should I trust someone's security advice if they're getting something wrong at this level? (Surely he could've said something like "specalised settings")

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