Reply to post: Re: Two sets of traffic lights are needed

Uber wasn't to blame for robo-ride crash – or was it? Witness said car tried to 'beat the lights'

Blofeld's Cat

Re: Two sets of traffic lights are needed

I like the idea of providing non-visual information for the robot car, but I think you would be opening a new can of worms if you gave different signals to the car. In the example you give, neither the "safety driver" nor any non-automatic following vehicles, would expect the robot car to brake for a green signal.

It would perhaps be better, (and simpler from the traffic signal's point of view), to tell robot cars approaching the junction which signals were currently displaying green, and the timings of any upcoming changes. e.g. "now: E to W green, W to E green. in 29s : E to W green, E to N green ...".

That way the car would be able to decide how to handle the junction, without needing to detect the physical traffic lights.

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