Reply to post: Re: Why?

Cheap, flimsy, breakable and replaceable – yup, Ikea, you'll be right at home in the IoT world

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Why?

Exactly how does this benefit anyone... other than those rare beings called "hipsters" that want to control everything from their phone?

Well, there ARE some arguments for it. You could, for instance, ensure you really only have that one night bulb on and the rest is out - energy saving stuff (assuming the controlling computer doesn't use more energy than the bulbs), you can make the house look populated whilst away, you can push them all on in case of emergency and it's about the only signal you can send teenage kids wearing headphones that it's really time for bed (or text them :) ).

The issue is that it's generally a costly exercise. A standard LED bulb costs peanuts these days but one with remote control costs a LOT more because it's "new" and not sold in volume. IKEA putting its global purchasing power behind it may change that. Even if that just makes non-remote bulbs cheaper you win :).

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