Reply to post: Re: It'll be fine

Manufacturers reject ‘no deal’ Brexit approach


Re: It'll be fine

Those numbers are only what they are because we're *forced* to push trade to the EU. Point still stands, 10% (which is beyond an extreme worst case) loss (which isn't going to happen for many many reasons but lets pretend it did) equates to 4% real terms. 20% would be an ~8% worldwide trade gap to fill and frankly if 20% happened it'd be the end of the entire economic system globally because there's no reason for EU exports to fall 20%. They're going to fall worst case to whatever the tariff figures would be minus currency fluctuations (thanks Obama) and we already know what those numbers are. And that's worst case scenario territory.

people in Gibraltar are getting very irritated by the sweeping, and occasionally offensive, generalisations made by a lot of UK politicians right now.


I'm sure Spain will have them back. I was offended by the idea that the UK should base its entire foreign and trade policy on the votes of 20k people.

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